Friday, 14 June 2013

Get the Little Mix Look!

For a lot of people, celebrities can be one of their main influences. For me, celebrities influence my clothes and style.

I always look at celebrities and what they're wearing and just wish I has the money to afford the designer labels. Little Mix is a prime example of who I look up to, fashion wise. So if you're like me and love the bow-ties and 90's era, I've made it easier for you to buy similar or identical clothes from well-known shops that you may very well shop at everyday! (Links are below)

Jade Thirlwall

Perrie Edwards

Jesy Nelson

 Leigh-Anne Pinnock 

Jade's Look
Perrie's Look
Jesy's Look
Leigh-Anne's Look

*All prices are in Australian Dollars

Monday, 3 June 2013

30 Day Snap #3 | PLL

Want to know more about the 30 Day Snap? Check out Louise's Blog HERE

30 Day Snap (Without the snap)

So the whole point of the 30 Day snap is to snap a picture of one thing you have done throughout your day but...

Something weird is going on and I can't upload a picture, so I will just create a lovely word picture for you all.

It's the 3rd of June. I just finished a 3000 word report on equality and now it's time to blog. What do I take a picture of? All I've done is go to school, do homework, AND watch Pretty Little Liars for the SEVEN HUNDREDTH time. I have a slight addiction to this show. I can watch the seasons over and over again and find it interesting and exciting every time. I don't know how. I know the story line, the plot of each episode, I have even learnt Hanna's lines and am now taking over from Ashley Benson from my room... But nonetheless I still find myself re-watching the Spencer/Toby hotel, spying on Jenna scene and wishing that I was Troian Bellisario in that moment each and every time. And this show is not my only addiction, but that's an entire other blog post in itself.

Hope you're enjoying the 30 Day snap, if you've got involved and I'll be back her tomorrow!

Thank you

Sunday, 2 June 2013

30 Day Snap #2 | Assessment

Hi Everyone!

It's day 2 of the 30 day snap, and today hasn't been all that exciting. After going to a party yesterday, all I can say is that today's events have been rather underwhelming. The end of term 2 and the 1st semester is coming to an end (yay) but that means assessment is all due in at the same time. I currently have an 800 word English article, a 1000 word Gender Equity Report and a 1000 word history essay due in the next 5 days. Not to mention exams and work experience are coming up, which mean even more of a work load. How teachers expect us to finish assessment, study for exams, continue to come to school for 6 hours a day, sleep, do work experience, have a social life, and some necessary YouTube browsing time is beyond me. They honestly must think students do nothing but school. Any way I hope your day was more eventful than mine and I hope you're not too overworked by end of semester assessment.
I'll see you all tomorrow for the 3rd of June and day 3 of the 30 day SNAP!

Thank You!

*Check out Louise's Blog Sprinkle Of Glitter to see her introductory post on the 30 day snap and to keep up with what she is doing for the entire month of June!

30 Day Snap #1 | Party!

Hi Everyone and Welcome to the 30 Day Snap! 
Today I went to a friends to celebrate her 16th birthday. Above are a few shots of how I wore my makeup and a little bit of nail art. Nail polish isn't allowed at my school, so when I get the chance to go out I like to go all out with bright colours and as I am not very good at painting my nails like to stick to simple designs. 
Comment below what you did and if you're doing the 30 Day snap to leave a link and I'll check it out!

*Remember if you need any info on the 30 Day snap, go check out Louise's blog post at sprinkleofglitter

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

30 Day Snap

Starting this Saturday I will be starting the 30 Day Snap Challenge where I will be taking a picture of one thing from my day for the entire month of June. If you are keen on doing this feel free to join in.

This challenge has been set by Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter. She runs a great blog and youtube channel and is one of the main reasons I started this blog. I hope to one day have a quarter of the success that she now has.

Most of you probably know of Louise, but if not her blog is definitely one to check out
Sprinkle of Glitter
To see the post that she made about the 30 day snap just click HERE and you will be able to read more about it and get to know how you can be a pert of this too.

Hope you be a part of this just for a bit of fun!
Bye xo

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Exciting Give Away!


When I reach 20 followers on this blog I will be having a give away to thank you for reading my blog. There will be one winner and you guys will get to choose what prize you want:

 Prize Option #1:

  • Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
  • Rimmel Wake Me up Concealer
  • Rimmel Longwear Lipstick by Kate (Shade of your Choice)

Prize Option #2

  • Nail Polish Set of four. Colours of you choice

I won't specify brands as of yet. (The ones pictured are just 4 of my favourites)

Details on how to win and a more specific list of prizes will be posted at a later date, but you will need to be following me for a chance to win. The quicker I reach my goal, the quicker this competition will be held (and I may add in an option of a skin care set too!) So spread the word on twitter and Facebook as I really want this competition to happen!

If you have any ideas on how I should select a winner or maybe even your favourite nail polish brands you'd like me to giveaway, then comment them below :) 

Thank you!

Friday, 17 May 2013

One Direction is Controlling my Life

1D: The 5 most powerful human beings in the world

For those of you who having been living under a rock for the past 3 years. One Direction are only the WORLDS'S BIGGEST BOY BAND .. And I have only very recently discovered that even they don't know me, they completely control my life.

Despite my anonymity they make me do the strangest thing that most 'normal' teenagers would find bizarre  They kept me up past midnight last night... How I silently hear you ask through your computer screen? Well...It's quite  simple. I was waiting to see if they'd announce Australian tour dates (Which they did not)

Just a little background information of how I was feeling:
  • At 7 pm I was exhausted and ready to go to bed
  • I remembered the 1D announcement was on
  • A mixture of adrenalin/lovestruck-craze shot through my body
  • No way of sleeping now
  • Panic stricken when the timer reach 00:00:00 and the page wouldn't load
  • Saddened/worried when there were no Oz dates
  • Over tired when it reached around 11 pm and still no dates
  • Reached a delirious state and became a slightly emotional wreck with no self control.
To my now slightly disappointed self, I had a moment of realisation where I discovered that five boys on the other side of the world, who I have never actually met completely control me and they don't even know that they're doing this.

Now this realisation has put me in a weird position. I don't know whether I like this or I don't. Because I love them, but they are the main reason for my sleep deprivation/insomnia. I honestly think they're destroying my life (in a good way)

But how excited are you for this new tour. Not just any tour, but a Freaking STADIUM tour! With new songs, from their 3rd new album. It's going to be insane and I can't wait.

Do any of you feel the same way... or is there another celebrity/group that a pleasantly destroying and taking control of your every day life? 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

"You're too Quiet!"

"You're too quiet" "Why don't you talk much" "You need to be louder"

These are all comments that I here aimed at me on a regular basis and to be perfectly honest. I am sick of it. You never hear people telling loud people that they talk too much and are being serious about it. People think that being quiet and not very talkative is some kind of flaw that needs to be fixed and as a result often try and get me up to do crazy things as an attempt to try and make me 'come out of my shell'  
A perfect example of this is pulling me up to do karaoke when I'm at parties. They think if I do this, I will be a more confident person when in actual fact I am quite confident, but I am content with being quiet. I don't think that I have to make conversation just to make conversation or to fill the silence and I don't think that every time there is a silence it is suddenly and 'Awkward Silence'. My friends are very loud and outgoing people and the biggest observation I have made (because I can be in their presence without feeling the need to talk) is that whenever there is no talking or conversation happening within the group it is suddenly awkward. Why is that? I have no idea, but it irritates me, because they try an make me feel like I have to make conversation, just so they can hear some form of the English language. 
With all that being said, I am a shy person. I know I just said that I am confident, but around new people or people I don't know very well I am extremely shy and it takes a while for me to warm up to them, but in that time I am still very content with staying quiet.
 A misconception about shy and/or quiet people that really REALLY frustrates me, is the fact that people often confuses this as people who are socially awkward and boring. I am not boring and I am not socially awkward. I can be a lot of fun and I know how to talk and interact with the human species, it's just that I don't have an interest in anything some people like to talk about. When I find some kind of common interest with a person, then BAM! I can and will most definitely talk and who knows, maybe throw in a couple jokes throughout, that may or may not be funny, but either way this is not the description of a boring or awkward person. 
Although I can be shy, I am not anti social and this is the next big, insulting misconception people make about me. They think that because I don't join in on group conversations that are about things I know nothing about, that I am anti social and don't like the interaction and company of other people, when this couldn't be any further from the truth. I do like being in other peoples company and just because I'm quiet and content, doesn't mean that I sit at home in the dark all by myself, fearing and being paranoid about coming into contact with another human.
The final reason I am quiet and don't talk much, which is probably very true for many people like me.Is that ...
Maybe  I just don't like you. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Review on Lancome Teint Miracle


Lancome Teint Miracle.

For the past 3 or so years I have been scouring every pharmacy and store that sells makeup looking for a foundation that would cover my many imperfections. Like majority of teenagers I do suffer from the more than occasional spot and no matter how much I tried, I could never find a foundation to cover them. That was until now. I tried 'Teint Miracle' from Lancome in the colour Natural Light. It covered just about everything that I didn't like about my skin and any thing that it didn't I could easily enough cover with a concealer. Another great thing about it, is that it is SPF 15. Who doesn't love a multi-purpose item.

While doing a little bit of research I found out that the creators of this foundation researched the light of the inner skin and then re created it to make the foundation. Basically this means that it enhances the skins natural light. This product is also non irritating so it doesn't cause breakouts.

The foundation comes in a pump glass bottle, so all you need is one pump and it's enough to cover the whole face. My regime when using this is fairly quick and simple.
  • Moisturise
  • One pump of Teint Miracle (I then just rub it in with my fingers as I find it easier)
  • Conceal
  • Blusher & Bronzer
  • Powder
I can't recommend this product enough. When I apply it the way that I just mentioned, my skin looks 95% better. There is still the odd spot or so that it just doesn't cover, but overall I am happy with my skin after using it. It also leaves your skin looking natural and not cakey and horrible.I picked mine up at Myer, but can not remember the price I paid for it (the Lancome website says that it's 40 US dollars) I would definitely recommend this to anyone without a doubt.

*While this foundation worked for me and my skin, I can't say that it will for everyone's  My skin type is combination, so it is oily around the top of my forehead and down my nose, but dry on my chin and the sides of my nose. This works more than fine for my skin type. :)

Monday, 1 April 2013

What's in my Room?

I say you can tell a lot about person from their room

Are they:

  • A Slob
  • A Neat Freak
  • Quirky
  • Organised
  • Stylish
So what better way for people to get to know me than go on a scavenger hunt in room and pull out my most interesting or pointless items that I have collected over the years.

So You may now know a little bit about me. That I like old fashioned/vintage things, although I find it hard to find any vintage things around where I love. Love everything red and pink. Love travel and the world. I have never been overseas and am dreaming of the day I can finally go. I am a lover of makeup and beauty. I don't have much now, but am working on my collection and finally I absolutely love love LOVE to watch TV (I was born to watch 'Pretty Little Liars')